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"Wow, Larry. You've produced 25% of the comments on this thread and
said nothing meaningful. That's impressive, even for you."
"After reading all your postings and daily weblog...I believe you have truly become the Phil Pepe of this generation. Now this is not necessarily a good thing."
"you blog sucks, it reeds as it was written by the queer son of mike lupica and roids clemens. i could write a better column by letting a monkey fuk a typewriter. i dont need no 181 million dollar team to write a blog fukkk the spankeees"
"i think his followers have a different sexual preference than most men"
"Boring and predictable."
"Are you the biggest idiot ever?"
"I'm not qualified to write for online media, let alone mainstream
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Disclaimer: If you think this is the official website of the New York Yankees, you're an idiot. Go away. Friday, April 30, 2004
Addendum by Larry Mahnken
Oh yeah--I forgot Bernie's homer last night. Hey, it's 3am, gimme a break.
One Year by Larry Mahnken
A year ago today, I was just a guy posting on a message board. What a difference a year makes--now I'm a guy posting on a blog.
Thursday, April 29, 2004
by Larry Mahnken
Over the past couple of seasons, I've learned to tune out Michael Kay when watching the Yankees games, allowing me to enjoy the team without going totally insane. Unfortunately, it's getting to the point where Jim Kaat is becoming even more unbearable. It seems like every game he goes off on a Moneyball rant, each time demonstrating total ignorance of what sabermetrics is about, and how the A's, Red Sox, Blue Jays and Dodgers utilize statistical analysis.
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Yanks Quietly Place Sleeping Jose Contreras On Raft Back To Cuba by Larry Mahnken
Funny stuff. Thanks to sjohnny.
Great Win by Larry Mahnken
Okay, it's late, so I'm not going to write very much. The Yankees had a great, great win against the A's last night, coming back from a 4-run deficit in the eigth inning.
Monday, April 26, 2004
Curses! by Larry Mahnken
Okay, okay, the sun came up this morning, the sky is still up there, and food still tastes okay. A little more bitter than before, but still palatable.
Sunday, April 25, 2004
by Larry Mahnken
How many times does Joe Torre have to lose a game for us before he realizes that he should STOP FUCKING PINCH-RUNNING FOR JASON GIAMBI?!?!?!
Saturday, April 24, 2004
by Larry Mahnken
A lot of people don't like to account for luck when analyzing baseball, or any sport. Everything that happens must happen for a reason, and it's usually attributed to something intangible, like guts or clutchness (Bill James scoffed at this attitude in his New Historical Baseball Abstract: "We are supposed to believe that athletes are athletes not merely because they are fast, strong quick and well conditioned, but because there is something special inside them, this "character" that comes to the fore in the crucible of athletic competition. The are athletes, in other words, because they are better people than the rest of us.").
Friday, April 23, 2004
Bummer Of A Loss by Larry Mahnken
It was a tough loss, but it wasn't a bitter one. Yeah, the Yankees came within a step of tying the game, but they lost because they didn't score off of Schoenweis earlier, and because Moose pitched pretty poorly in the first.
Thursday, April 22, 2004
by Larry Mahnken
I think Joe Torre just tries too hard sometimes to not be a push-button manager. Man, if you've got Alex Rodriguez, Jason Giambi, Gary Sheffield, Derek Jeter and Jorge Posada in your lineup, what on earth makes you decide that you want Bubba Crosby to lead off?
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Loss Day by Larry Mahnken
What must it feel like to be Alex Graman today? You've spent most of your life preparing for yesterday, and before you ever throw a pitch, you've been staked to a 7-run lead. Your opponent's lineup is potent, but at least has been stripped of two of it's best hitters, making your task even easier: go five innings, give up six runs or fewer, and you've got your first major league win.
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Win Day by Larry Mahnken
See, it figured that I would have to eat my words. Guess that'll show me not to be optimistic.
Monday, April 19, 2004
Phew! by Larry Mahnken
I gotta say, I didn't feel too optimistic about yesterday's game. With every hitter but Enrique Wilson mired in a horrid slump, and Derek Lowe going for the Red Sox, I figured that El Titan would have to be at his very best to pull out a win. To be fair, Lowe has a very poor track record against the Yankees, but my pessimistic nature took over, and I was prepared for an afternoon of slow grounders to Bellhorn.
Saturday, April 17, 2004
by Larry Mahnken
Well, crap. The more I say that I'm not worried about the Yankees, the more it sounds like I'm covering for my worrying about the Yankees. Still, I wouldn't be worried, the biggest problem this team has faced--lack of hitting--is one that's not going to keep up for much longer. There's just too much talent in that lineup.
Friday, April 16, 2004
The Rivalry by Larry Mahnken
Lately, it's become fashionable to say that the Yankees and Red Sox aren't really rivals, because of Boston's failure to win a title for 85 years, or really do much to prevent the Yankees from winning their 26 titles during that time. It's not so much a rivalry as a Greek Tragedy.
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Daily DIPS Report (I hope) by Larry Mahnken
Tranferring the DIPS numbers to HTML was actually easier than I thought it would be--far easier. Anyway, here's the report, hopefully to be updated daily. Ask any questions here.
It's my birthday, it's my birthday; I'm the birthday boy or girl! by Larry Mahnken
A few years ago, I was about to turn 24, and was preparing for my party, when I came to a realization. In one year, I would be 25 years old--a quarter of a century. "Who needs that?" I thought. Before I knew it, I'd be 30, then 40, then 50. Every ten years would be a cause for celebration, then every year, then every month, day, hour...
Monday, April 12, 2004
by Larry Mahnken
Well, I think it's quite obvious that the Yankees are a mediocre team.
Thursday, April 08, 2004
Yankees 3, Devil Rays 2 by Larry Mahnken
Nothing short of an injury yesterday would have given reason to worry, but the Yankees twice came close to making everyone panic. For five innings, their vaunted lineup was no hit by the great Paul Abbott, before they finally broke through for two runs in the sixth. And then they came within a single of losing the game with Mariano Rivera on the mound, before an excellent play by A-Rod saved the Yankees.
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Devil Rays 9, Yankees 4 by Larry Mahnken
Am I pissed off? No. Am I worried? Hell no. Am I frustrated? A little.
Monday, April 05, 2004
Baseball Prospectus - You Could Look It Up: Backlash by Larry Mahnken
Here's a great article by Steven Goldman about the backlash against sabermetrics sparked by last year's publishing of Moneyball. There's some great lines here, including my favorite:
Saturday, April 03, 2004
The 2004 Yankees: Yanks must win it all to have a good season by Larry Mahnken
I would have told you yesterday if I had been online, but the Providence Journal gave me the opportunity to publish an article in their season preview yesterday. It's not the best I've done, but my computer problems this past week denied me the opportunity to improve it. Thanks to Art Martone for giving me this opportunity.
Thursday, April 01, 2004
Fifteen minutes at the library's computer... by Larry Mahnken
Thanks for all of the support guys. Alex Belth will be filling in for me in the next Rivals in Exile column, and probably do so much better that I'll get fired! ;-)